Product warranty

This guarantee applies to “Products” purchased through the site by users who qualify as “consumers” pursuant to Legislative Decree 206/2005, i.e. natural persons who access the Site for purposes other than those relating to the own commercial, entrepreneurial and/or professional activity.

The essential characteristics of the Products are indicated on the relevant page on the Site.

Lomer guarantees that the Products conform to the characteristics indicated on the relevant page on the Site for a period of 2 (two) years from the delivery date (“Warranty Period”).

In the event that the complaints raised by the customer during the warranty period are well-founded, Lomer will proceed with the repair or replacement of the Product, which will be delivered to the customer, at Lomer’s expense, in the same place indicated in the original order.

If it is not possible to repair or replace the defective product and the lack of conformity does not prevent safe use, the customer will be entitled to a price reduction proportional to the decrease in value of the purchased product compared to the value it would have had if it had been compliant.

Otherwise, the customer will have the right to terminate the sales contract and cancel the order with relative reimbursement of the amount paid upon purchase.

The warranty is excluded if product defects are caused by:

  • Negligent or improper use of the products
  • Repairs not previously authorized in writing by Lomer srl
  • Normal wear and tear of materials
  • Failure to comply with the requirements indicated by Lomer in the specific instructions delivered with the products
  • Lack of or incorrect maintenance compared to what is indicated in the product instructions for use